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286 lines
File: TextParser.h
Contains: International Text Parser Interfaces.
Version: Technology: System 8
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __TEXTPARSER__
#define __TEXTPARSER__
#include <ConditionalMacros.h>
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __TEXTOBJECTS__
#include <TextObjects.h>
#ifndef __TEXTCOMMON__
#include <TextCommon.h>
#include <LocaleObjects.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
#define kParserTableLocaleKeyName "\pparsetable"
typedef struct OpaqueTTextParseRef* TTextParseRef;
typedef UInt32 ParsingToken;
typedef ParsingToken BasicToken;
typedef ParsingToken RangeToken;
typedef ParsingToken KeywordToken;
typedef ParsingToken MultiChoiceToken;
typedef ParsingToken ComposedToken;
/*defintions for the future*/
typedef ParsingToken RegExpToken;
typedef ParsingToken GrammarRuleToken;
/*definition of Pointers to tokens*/
typedef ParsingToken *ParsingTokenPtr;
typedef ParsingTokenPtr BasicTokenPtr;
typedef ParsingTokenPtr RangeTokenPtr;
typedef ParsingTokenPtr KeywordTokenPtr;
typedef ParsingTokenPtr MultiChoiceTokenPtr;
typedef ParsingTokenPtr ComposedTokenPtr;
typedef OptionBits ParsingOptionBits;
typedef LocaleObjectRef ParserLocaleObjectRef;
enum {
kParseMainTokenOptionBit = 0,
kIsAlphaNumericKeyWordOptionBit = 1,
kIsCaseSensitiveParsingOptionBit = 2,
kIsDiacreticSensitiveParsingOptionBit = 3,
kParseTextEnclosedByLitearlDelimitersOptionBit = 4,
kIsCommentsAllowedOptionBit = 5
enum {
kStandardParsingOptionsMask = 0,
kParseMainTokenOptionMask = 1L << kParseMainTokenOptionBit,
kIsAlphaNumericKeyWordOptionMask = 1L << kIsAlphaNumericKeyWordOptionBit,
kIsCaseSensitiveParsingOptionMask = 1L << kIsCaseSensitiveParsingOptionBit,
kIsDiacreticSensitiveParsingOptionMask = 1L << kIsDiacreticSensitiveParsingOptionBit,
kParseTextEnclosedByLitearlDelimitersOptionMask = 1L << kParseTextEnclosedByLitearlDelimitersOptionBit,
kIsCommentsAllowedOptionMask = 1L << kIsCommentsAllowedOptionBit
/* Basic Tokens definitions (try to match system 7 tokens when possible*/
enum {
kBasicTokenUnknown = 0, /*characters that don't have token definition*/
kBasicTokenEscape = 10, /*character escape (e.g. '\' in "\n", "\t")*/
kBasicTokenLeftParen = 16, /*open parenthesis*/
kBasicTokenRightParen = 17, /*close parenthesis*/
kBasicTokenLeftBracket = 18, /*open square bracket*/
kBasicTokenRightBracket = 19, /*close square bracket*/
kBasicTokenLeftCurly = 20,
kBasicTokenRightCurly = 21, /*close curly bracket*/
kBasicTokentokenLeftEnclose = 22, /*open guillemet*/
kBasicTokenRightEnclose = 23, /*close guillemet*/
kBasicTokenPlus = 24,
kBasicTokenMinus = 25,
kBasicTokenAsterisk = 26, /*times/multiply*/
kBasicTokenDivide = 27,
kBasicTokenPlusMinus = 28, /*plus or minus symbol*/
kBasicTokenSlash = 29,
kBasicTokenBackSlash = 30,
kBasicTokenLess = 31, /*less than symbol*/
kBasicTokenGreat = 32, /*greater than symbol*/
kBasicTokenEqual = 33,
kBasicTokenLessEqual1 = 35, /*less than or equal, 1 character*/
kBasicTokenGreatEqual1 = 37, /*greater than or equal, 1 character*/
kBasicTokenNotEqual = 40, /*not equal, 1 character*/
kBasicTokenExclam = 43, /*exclamation point*/
kBasicTokenTilde = 44, /*centered tilde*/
kBasicTokenComma = 45,
kBasicTokenPeriod = 46,
kBasicTokenLeft2Quote = 47, /*open double quote*/
kBasicTokenRight2Quote = 48, /*close double quote*/
kBasicTokenLeft1Quote = 49, /*open single quote*/
kBasicTokenRight1Quote = 50, /*close single quote*/
kBasicToken2Quote = 51, /*double quote*/
kBasicToken1Quote = 52, /*single quote*/
kBasicTokenSemicolon = 53,
kBasicTokenPercent = 54,
kBasicTokenCaret = 55,
kBasicTokenUnderline = 56,
kBasicTokenAmpersand = 57,
kBasicTokenAtSign = 58,
kBasicTokenBar = 59, /*vertical bar*/
kBasicTokenQuestion = 60,
kBasicTokenPi = 61, /*lower-case pi*/
kBasicTokenRoot = 62, /*square root symbol*/
kBasicTokenSigma = 63, /*capital sigma*/
kBasicTokenIntegral = 64, /*integral sign*/
kBasicTokenMicro = 65,
kBasicTokenCapPi = 66, /*capital pi*/
kBasicTokenInfinity = 67,
kBasicTokenColon = 68,
kBasicTokenHash = 69, /*e.g. #*/
kBasicTokenDollar = 70,
kBasicTokenNoBreakSpace = 71, /*non-breaking space*/
kBasicTokenFraction = 72,
kBasicTokenIntlCurrency = 73,
kBasicTokenLeftSingGuillemet = 74,
kBasicTokenRightSingGuillemet = 75,
kBasicTokenPerThousand = 76,
kBasicTokenEllipsis = 77,
kBasicTokenCenterDot = 78,
kBasicTokenSpace = 128,
kBasicTokenPasswordChar = 129
enum {
/*predefined composed tokens*/
kComposedTokenLessEqual2 = 16383, /*less than or equal, 2 characters (e.g. <=)*/
kComposedTokenEqual2 = 16384, /*greater than or equal, 2 characters (e.g. >=)*/
kComposedToken2Equal = 16385, /*double equal (e.g. ==)*/
kComposedTokenColonEqual = 16386, /*colon equal*/
kComposedTokenLessGreat = 16387, /*less/greater, Pascal not equal (e.g. <>)*/
kComposedTokenExclamEqual = 16388, /*exclamation equal, C not equal (e.g. !=)*/
kComposedTokenNewLine = 16389 /*composed may be more than one (10,13)*/
enum {
/*predefined multiple choice tokens*/
kChoiceTokenWhite = 8192, /*white space (CR,LF,space, non break space)*/
kChoiceTokenLeftLit = 8193, /*literal begin , can be one or more*/
kChoiceTokenRightLit = 8194, /*literal end, can be one or more*/
kChoiceTokenAlpha = 8195, /*alphabetic char*/
kChoiceTokenNumeric = 8196, /*numeric char*/
kChoiceTokenPunctuationChar = 8197, /*punctuation char*/
kChoiceTokenRightComment = 8198, /* can be one or more*/
kChoiceTokenLeftComment = 8199 /* can be one or more*/
enum {
/*predefined token classes (not overridable for 8.0) mapped to regular expression tokens*/
kTokenClassIdentifier = 32768L, /* alphabetic or alphanumeric entities*/
kTokenClassComment = 32769L, /* anything inside comment delimiters */
kTokenClassliteral = 32770L, /* anything inside literal delimiters */
kTokenClassIntegerNumber = 32771L, /* text is numeric presentation (integers)*/
kTokenClassFloatingNumber = 32772L /*text is numeric presentation (float)*/
struct CharacterRange { /* structure defining a range of char*/
UInt32 theCharRangeBegin;
UInt32 theCharRangeEnd;
typedef struct CharacterRange CharacterRange;
typedef CharacterRange *CharacterRangePtr;
/*============================================================locale object parser APIs====================================================*/
extern OSStatus GetParserObjectByLocaleID(LocaleIdentifier theLocaleIdentifier, TextEncoding theEncoding, ParserLocaleObjectRef *theParserObject);
extern OSStatus GetParserObjectByLocaleRef(LocaleRef locale, TextEncoding theEncoding, ParserLocaleObjectRef *theParserObject);
extern OSStatus GetCurrentParserObject(ParserLocaleObjectRef *theParserObject);
extern OSStatus GetParserObjectInfo(ParserLocaleObjectRef theParserObject, TextEncoding *theEncoding, LocaleIdentifier *theLocaleIdentifier);
/*======================================================Iterator creation/modifcation==========================================================*/
extern OSStatus CreateLexicalIterator(ParserLocaleObjectRef localeParserRef, TextObject theTextObject, TextObjectIndex startIndex, TextObjectIndex endIndex, ParsingOptionBits theParsingOptions, TTextParseRef *theParserRef);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorGetNextToken(TTextParseRef theParser, ParsingToken *theCurrentToken, TextObjectIndex *startIndex, TextObjectIndex *endIndex);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorSetCommentDelimiters(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, ParsingToken tokenLeftDel, ParsingToken tokenRightDel);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorReset(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorSetText(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, TextObject theTextObject, TextObjectIndex startIndex, TextObjectIndex endIndex);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorSetTokenToMatch(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, ComposedToken theToken);
/*======================================================Tokens Get/Set APIs ==========================================================*/
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorDefineBasicToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, UInt32 theChar, BasicToken theToken);
extern OSStatus GetUniqueBasicToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, BasicToken *theToken);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorDefineKeywordToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, TextObject theText, TextObjectIndex theStart, TextObjectIndex theEnd, KeywordToken theToken);
extern OSStatus GetUniqueKeywordToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, KeywordToken *theToken);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorDefineRangeToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, UInt32 rangeBeginChar, UInt32 rangeEndChar, RangeToken theToken);
extern OSStatus GetUniqueRangeToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, RangeToken *theToken);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorDefineMultiChoiceToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, ItemCount nChoices, ParsingToken theChoices[], MultiChoiceToken *theToken);
extern OSStatus GetUniqueMultiChoiceToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, MultiChoiceToken *theToken);
extern OSStatus LexicalIteratorDefineComposedToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, ItemCount nChoices, ParsingToken theChoices[], ComposedToken *theToken);
extern OSStatus GetUniqueComposedToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, ComposedToken *theToken);
extern OSStatus GetTextFromToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, ParsingToken theToken, TextObject TheText);
extern OSStatus GetLocaleTextFromToken(ParserLocaleObjectRef localeParserRef, ParsingToken theToken, TextObject TheText);
extern OSStatus GetRangeToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, RangeToken theToken, UInt32 *beginRangeChar, UInt32 *endRangeChar);
extern OSStatus GetLocaleRangeToken(ParserLocaleObjectRef localeParserRef, RangeToken theToken, UInt32 *beginRangeChar, UInt32 *endRangeChar);
extern OSStatus GetCountTokenChoices(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, MultiChoiceToken theToken, ItemCount *nChoices);
extern OSStatus GetLocaleCountTokenChoices(ParserLocaleObjectRef localeParserRef, MultiChoiceToken theToken, ItemCount *nChoices);
extern OSStatus GetMultiChoiceToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, MultiChoiceToken theToken, ParsingToken theChoices[]);
extern OSStatus GetLocaleMultiChoiceToken(ParserLocaleObjectRef localeParserRef, MultiChoiceToken theToken, ParsingToken theChoices[]);
extern OSStatus GetCountTokenComposition(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, ComposedToken theToken, ItemCount *nChoices);
extern OSStatus GetLocaleCountTokenComposition(ParserLocaleObjectRef localeParserRef, ComposedToken theToken, ItemCount *nChoices);
extern OSStatus GetComposedToken(TTextParseRef refLexicalIterator, ComposedToken theToken, ParsingToken theComposition[]);
extern OSStatus GetLocaleComposedToken(ParserLocaleObjectRef localeParserRef, ComposedToken theToken, ParsingToken theChoices[]);
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __TEXTPARSER__ */